Guidelines for Reviewers

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Manuscript submitted to the IJMSRP undergoes 4 tier of review process.

1. First fast and rapid review process by the Editor in Chief.

The received manuscript immediately reviewed by the Editor in Chief for the decision whether manuscript should be sent for review process or not. The accepted manuscripts only sent for review by the editorial board member of concern specialty. The editorial board member is assign by the Editor in Chief.

2. Second review process by the assign Editorial Board member.

The manuscript submitted to the IJMSRP immediately forwarded Editorial Board member of the concern specialty and report expected to receive within 2-3 days this is possible because of highly motivated and young dynamic editorial team. Review Format.

3. Third blind peers review by the two experts on the subject.

After the editorial board member review the accepted manuscript sent to the two peer reviewer blindly without any identification of authors. The result expected within 7 days in normal manuscript and 2-3 days in Rapid Fast /Premium APC charged manuscript. Review Format.

4. Fourth and final decision by the Editor in Chief based on above report.

The received review reports compiled by the Editor in Chief are conveyed to the Author with proper decision of acceptance or rejection of manuscripts. Review Format.

Guidelines for Reviewers

1. Make sure that the invited reviewers have sufficient expertise on the subject.

2. Make sure that the reviewers have sufficient time to review invited manuscript. Generally it takes 5-6 hours to review the manuscript. Preparation of report and sending may take another 2-3 hours.

3. If reviewer do not have time to review manuscript decline the review with stating the causes of declining and if possible suggest the other peer reviewer to editors that have expertise on the subjects.

4. The reviewer must convey decision of acceptance or rejection of review manuscript within a day or two days.

5. Sent the review report as early as possible to the Editor in Chief. Should not delay a week.

6. Do not keep the manuscript and other material for future.

7. Do not try to find out the authors name and try to contact with authors.

8. Review the manuscript as per the attached review format. Review Format.

9. Reviewers along with quality, originality and acceptability must declare the following

A. Declare if any plagiarism:

If you suspect that an article is a substantial copy of another work.

Please let the editor know, citing the previous work in as much detail as possible.

B. Report if any Fraud:

It is very difficult to detect the determined fraudster, but if you suspect the results in an article to be untrue.

Discuss it with the editor.

C. Maintain the confidentiality:

Has there been a violation of the accepted norms in the ethical treatment of animal or human subjects?

If so, then these should also be reported to the editor.

11. Please see detail document available on

12. For any query contact the Editor in Chief on [email protected]