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Giant Lipoma In Front Of Neck Presenting As Thyroid Neoplasm – A Rare Case

Gaur R,1 Sharma RL,2 Rai S,3 Jain D4

Professor & Head,1 Associate Professor,2 Demonstrator,3 Resident4

1-4Department of Pathology, G R Medical College, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India.

Lipoma is the most common benign soft tissue mesenchymal tumor of adipose tissue. Their occurance in head and neck is relatively rare and is most frequently located in posterior subcutaneous neck region. In this article we report the giant mass in front of neck in 65 year old woman measuring 32cm x 30cm which was increasing slowly since 18 years causing pressure symptoms like dysphagia, dyspnea. It was clinically diagnosed as thyroid neoplasm and confirmed by histopathological examination.
Giant lipoma, Head and neck, Lesions in neck, Lipoma.

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