Category Archives: October 2014

AdenoCA of Duodenojejunal junction_Dubepuria

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Adenocarcinoma of Duodenojejunal junction: A case report
Dubepuria R,1 Gupta AK,2 Gupta A,3 Gupta A,4 Gupta AK5

PG Resident,1,5 Assistant Professor,2 Professor and Head,3 Associate Professor,4 PG Resident5

1,2,3,5Department of Surgery, G.R. Medical College, Gwalior, M.P, India

4Department of Radio-Diagnosis G.R. Medical College, Gwalior, M P, India

Adenocarcinoma of duodenum contributes only 0.3-0.4% among all Gastrointestinal malignancies though 75% of all duodenal malignancies are adenocarcinoma.The reported incidence has been increasing due to the widespread use of endoscopy. Adenocarcinomas are the most common of small bowel malignancies, followed by carcinoid tumours, lymphomas, and leiomyosarcomas. We have reported adenocarcinoma in 60 years male. Surgery is the only means of cure. More evidence is needed to help define the role of segmental duodenectomy and chemotherapy in the management of this disease.
Adenocarcinoma, duodenum, duodeno-jejunal junction.

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Arabic Curriculum_Abdelaziz A

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Arabic Guidelines for Curriculum Development in Health Professions Education

Abdelaziz A,1 Hassan N2

Lecturer of Medical Education1,2

1,2Medical Education Department, Faculty of Medicine, Suez Canal University, Egypt

Worldwide there is an increasing care of academic programs and research in Health Professions Education (HPE). Despite this there is still a lack of the Arabic academic programs and literature related to this field. The Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office of the World Health Organization (EMRO-WHO) is interested in enriching the Arabic literature of HPE in order to promote education and training of health manpower.In 2012, Suez Canal University, with the support of EMRO-WHO, has inaugurated a Diploma of Health Professions Education conducted through distance e-learning in Arabic language. The target group of the Diploma are health professions educators and trainers in the Arab region.To provide convenient, contextual and case sensitive literature for study in the Arabic Diploma of HPE, a set of practical guidelines were developed by a group of experts and consultants. Among these, practical guidelines for curriculum development were developed and published in an Arabic book.
Curriculum Development, Health Professions Education, Educational Objectives, Content, Methods of instruction and Students’ Assessment

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Ravi Shankar_Nutritional Medicine

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An urgent need to strengthen nutrition education among medical students in India
Shankar PR

Professor of Medical Education, Chair, Curriculum Committee

Xavier University School of Medicine, Aruba, Kingdom of the Netherlands

Nutrition plays an important role in human health but is not adequately emphasized among medical students. India suffers from the problems of both under and over-nutrition. There is increasing emphasis on nutrition education among medical students in developing nations. Many United States medical schools offer an online nutrition module in medicine to students. The author mentions possible suggestions for starting a nutrition module in Indian medical schools.
India, Medical students, Nutrition

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