Category Archives: July 2014


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Shamsudden A,1 Remorino R,2

Paediatric Registrar,1 Consultant Paediatrician2

1Department of Pediatrics, Leeds general Infirmary, United Kingdom

2Department of Pediatrics, St Richards Hospital, Chichester ,United Kingdom

The extended use of topical corticosteroids, particularly in young children, may cause suppression of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis. Here, three cases of iatrogenic adrenal suppression resulting from topical corticosteroids are presented.
Adrenal insufficiency, Corticosteroid, Iatrogenic cushing’s syndrome.

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Narang S


Department of Pathology, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Indore, M P, India

Riedel’s thyroiditis is chronic and rare
Structures adjacent also, it does not spare.

Contracted is the gland and hard as stone
With compressive symptoms, patient does morn.

On females between 40-70 it picks
Carcinoma of thyroid it mimics.

Multifocal fibrosclerosis of reason unknown
To fibrosis, widespread the patient is prone.

Fibrocollagenous tissue is dominant
And thyroid parenchyma is not prominent.

Congestion & mucosal regeneration noted have been

Dysplasia to Neoplasia-spectrum entire is seen.

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Choanal Atresia
Goyal P,1 Kumar A,1 Goyal B2
Consultant Radiologist,1 Consultant ENT Surgeon2

1Vidya Health Imaging, Gwalior, M P, India, 2Gwalior,MP, India

Choanal atresia, refers to unilateral or bilateral, bony or membranous obstruction of the posterior nasal aperture. Approximately 50% of children with bilateral choanal atresia have associated other congenital abnormalities. The presenting symptoms may vary from intermittent to severe respiratory distress. Bilateral choanal atresia is a life threatening condition. CT scan plays an important role in diagnosing the nature & extent of the choanal atresia, to rule out other causes of congenital nasal obstruction and also helpful in therapeutic approach. The introduction of multidetector CT scanner offers several additional advantages. The mainstay of treatment is surgical correction.
Choanal atresia,Charge syndrome.

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Consultant Radiologist1, Consultant ENT Surgeon2


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Cystic Hygroma in a Newborn

Aggrwal R,1 Naik T,2 Ambey R,3 Gaur A4

Post Graduate Student,1 Assistant Professor,2,3 Associate Professor4

1,3,4Department of Pediatrics, G R Medical College, Gwalior-474001, M P, India

2Department of Pediatrics, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College & Dr.B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

A newborn presented with cystic hygroma in axilla. In view of rarity of condition, presentation at birth at unusual site and classical features of clinical condition, we are reporting the case.
Axillary swelling, cystic hygroma, newborn.

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Renal angiomyolipoma: a case report
Sharma M1, Nema SK2, Singh A3, Khanam B4, Julka K5
Resident1, Professor and Head2, Associate Professor3, Assistant Professor4,5

1,2,3 Department of Pathology, 4 Department of Medicine, 5 Department of Radio diagnosis,

1-5Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, M P, India

Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a rare benign tumor composed of adipose tissue, smooth muscles and blood vessels with an incidence is 0.3-3% which is predominantly found in females. These tumors have a strong association with tuberous sclerosis but can occur sporadically. Clinical importance lies in their susceptibility to spontaneous haemorrhage. They can be unilateral or bilateral. Interestingly these tumors occur more in right kidney. We present a case of sporadic unilateral angiomyolipoma of left kidney in a 55 yrs old female who had complaints of off and on left lumbar pain. She was subjected to left nephrectomy and diagnosis was confirmed on histopathology.
Angiomyolipoma(AML), kidney tumour, renal angiomyolipoma.

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Estimation of stature from head length

Chourasia RS1, Bamne A2Gohiya V3, Sukla SN4, Pandey R5

Assistant Professor,1,2,4 Professor,3 Professor & Head5

1-5Department of Anatomy, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Indore, MP, India

AimIn this study an attempt has been made to derive a linear regression equation for estimation of stature from the length of head.BackgroundEstimation of stature from head length is considered as an important parameter in medico-legal and forensic examinations. When highly decomposed and mutilated dead bodies with fragmentary remains are brought for postmortem examination, it becomes difficult to identify the deceased.

Material Methods

The present study is conducted on 506 medical students 255 male and 251 female of age group between 18 - 25 years, was conducted at Index medical college hospital and research center Indore. The measurements were taken by using standard anthropometric instruments..


The observed data was subjected to statistical analysis like‘t’ test for correlation coefficient. The value of ‘t’ was found to be statistically significant. Simple linear regression equation derived has been used for estimation of height..


It is concluded that the head length provides good reliability in estimation of stature in forensic examinations & in medicolegal cases and the correlation between present parameters can be helpful in medico-legal cases for identification of individuals.

Anthropometry, Head length, Stature.

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Role of knowledge in practicing universal precautions among staff nurses
Sharma BK1, George S2
Associate Professor (Biostatistics),1 Lecturer2

1Department of Community Medicine, Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Science (SAIMS), Indore, MP, India

2Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, SAIMS, Nursing College, Indore, MP, India

AimAuthors aimed to present the importance and association of knowledge with practices of universal precautions.BackgroundStaff nurses are at high risk of exposure to infectious agents. Knowledge and practices towards universal precautions are necessary to prevent hospital associated infections.

Material Methods

An observational study was conducted at different selected hospitals of Indore city. A total of 130 staff nurses were sought for informed consent considered as subject. The demographic profile had identified and associated with knowledge and practice of universal precautions. The main study tool was self-administered questionnaire.


Mean practices (49.6%) of universal precautions were significantly lower than mean knowledge (73.35%). 61.5% staff nurses had good knowledge but 43.8% were practicing at good level while none showed the practice excellence. The knowledge were not found associated (p>0.05) with practices of universal precautions. The practices of universal precautions reported strongly associated (p<0.002) with work experience but significantly (p<0.03) associated with knowledge. The workload of a staff nurse was identified as a distracter because no significant association (p>0.05) was evidenced between nurse patient ratio with knowledge and practice of universal precautions.


Various studies have been shown that use of universal precautions lower the risk of hospital associated infection. Staff nurses had good knowledge but low practices of universal precautions. A good practice of universal precaution is a powerful tool to reduce the risk of contracting infections in clinical settings. Age, gender, course taken and clinical experience has their own effect towards knowledge and practice of universal precautions.

Universal Precautions, Knowledge, Infection, Practice, Nosocomial infection.

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Incidence of placenta previa in previous cesarean section
Goel A
Postgraduate Student

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, G R Medical College, Gwalior, MP, India

AimTo study the incidence of placenta previa in previous cesarean section and compare it with incidence of placenta previa in women with no prior cesarean section.BackgroundThere is an evident literature support which suggest that the chances of placenta previa are not only more in patients who had a previous history of cesarean section but the chances also increases with the number of cesarean section in past. The overall incidence of placenta previa is 0.2-0.5% in western studies. It may be more in Indian population. As there were not many studies on this important topic from Indian subcontinent.

Material Methods

Total 484 patients with history of previous Lower Segment cesarean Section were selected for study purpose. 496 subjects with no previous history of cesarean section were selected for control purpose. Clinical examination and USG was done at 28 weeks to detect placenta previa.


Ten cases of placenta previa were found in the study group and incidence of placenta previa was calculated to be 2% in this group compared to incidence of only 0.6% i.e. 3 cases in control group (p< 0.05). Also the chances of finding placenta being morbidly adherent were increased in the study group as we found 2 cases of placenta increta and 3 cases of placenta accreta among these.


Incidence of placenta previa is high in patients with previous cesarean section as well as chances further increases with the successive increase in number of cesarean section in past.

Placenta Previa, Adherent Placenta, Cesarean section.

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Problem based learning: what and why
Singh A1, Ambey R2
Associate Professor1, Assistant Professor2

1Department of Pathology, Index Medical College Hospital and Research Centre, Indore, MP, India

2Department of Pediatrics, G R Medical College, Gwalior, M P, India

The goal of Medical Education is to produce qualified Physician. Though we are using different method to train undergraduate students, but Problem based learning (PBL) is an innovative teaching learning method that impart knowledge, enhance intrinsic motivation , promote self learning, encourage clinical reasoning and also encourage them to work in a team. Activation of prior knowledge, encoding specificity and elaboration of knowledge are three principles of acquiring new information. These principles have been included in to the seven jump theory. In conclusion, the PBL is student centered self motivational, active and a challenging method of teaching and learning both for faculties as well as students.
Basic Science Curriculum, Medical Education, Problem Based Learning

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Meropenem: Current PERSPECTIVES
Goyal V K1, Rajput S S2
Assistant Professor1, Senior Resident2

1Department of Pediatrics, Dr S N Medical College, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

2Department of Pediatrics, G R Medical College, Gwalior, M P, India

Meropenem is an ultra broad spectrum parenteral carbapenem with excellent safety profile and minimal drug interactions. It is effective in a variety of tissue infections. But to prevent emerging drug resistance, its use should be restricted to complicated/serious infections not amenable to other antimicrobials
Carbenem, meropenem, drug resistant enterobacteriaceae (DRE).