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Do bone marrow mononuclear cells can be used as a therapeutic target for trauma hemorrhagic shock?
Kumar M,1 Bhoi S2
Ph D Student,1 Additional Professor2
Department of Emergency Medicine, JPN Apex Trauma Centre, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
BMCs contain hematopoietic stem cells (HPCs), mesenchymal stem cells, epithelial progenitor cells lymphoid cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells), monocytes, and macrophages. BMCs modulate immune system, increased the growth of HPCs, reduced mobilization of HPCs into peripheral blood, and preserve bone marrow cellularity in injured tissue. Previous studies have shown that BMCs immunologically safe, no ethical issue and easily isolated. The author feels BMCs may be reduced mortality and improved outcome and have a therapeutic option for trauma or HS in human. Further research on this subject needs attentions.
Bone marrow mononuclear cells, Hemopoitic stem cells, Progenitors cells, Traumatic hemorrhagic shock.

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