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Cystic Hygroma in a Newborn

Aggrwal R,1 Naik T,2 Ambey R,3 Gaur A4

Post Graduate Student,1 Assistant Professor,2,3 Associate Professor4

1,3,4Department of Pediatrics, G R Medical College, Gwalior-474001, M P, India

2Department of Pediatrics, Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College & Dr.B. R. Ambedkar Memorial Hospital, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

A newborn presented with cystic hygroma in axilla. In view of rarity of condition, presentation at birth at unusual site and classical features of clinical condition, we are reporting the case.
Axillary swelling, cystic hygroma, newborn.

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